- Clarence Chan
- Arlene Spinner
- Daniel Roth
Current OER features
Arlene’s project: Increase nurses’ knowledge and ability to interact and educate with LGBTQ+ population.
Clarence’s project: Attempt to convert the Medical law and ethics courses to OER.
Dan’s project: Attempt to establish a test prep review course for the PTA graduating class.
OER Features to be developed
- Arlene’s project:
- vocabulary and terminology appropriate for LGBTQ+ population
- medical & psychosocial needs for this population
- awareness and interactions among care team members.
- resources
- Clarence’s project:
- Introduce the legal system of USA
- Legal standard of practice for healthcare providers
- Introduce ethical dimensions in healthcare practice
- introduce standard of practice for the profession of physical therapy
- Dan’s project:
- Review of content materials
- Application of relevant information: openstax.org/details/books/college-success
- critical thinking and analysis of data
- Test taking strategies
- Stress management